
Product details

Speakers / Floor Speakers

Bayz Audio Courante 2.0 NUOVO

The Courante is not only revolutionary by its fresh-looking design, but also in its technical contents.

The Courante is not only revolutionary by its fresh-looking design, but also in its technical contents. The BRS (Bay Radial Speaker) is not only a fully radial 360° tweeter, but its extreme performance in response time and frequency spectrum makes it superior to all other tweeters on the market. It has a number of patented features; all of these patents are registered on my name. The mid-woofer has been developed and manufactured to the response time and frequency spectrum requirements and other specifications of BAYZ Audio, by SB Acoustics team in Denmark. The cabinet is made of carbon fiber, cured in a custom designed autoclave, resulting in extremely light weight, yet it is a very rigid structure. The two Courante™ cabinet halves are made in Hungary, by András Voloscsuk’s company. (They are also known as airplane manufacturers for Redbull Air Race, and developers of Formula 1 monocoques). Also, due to its low mass, it doesn’t store energy. Its basic concept is that inside of the cabinet is aerodynamically designed, resulting in completely laminar air transport. The patent pending cabinet is acoustically dead, due to its original internal attenuation features, it doesn’t emit sounds at all from its surface. Just to compare the Courante’s cabinet to any competition of large mass speaker cabinets, the latter typically releases the stored energy based on frequency and with a time delay, resulting in a broad spectrum of distorted audible sound production. The construction and orientation of the speaker’s group is based on the concept of opposite operating directional mode, and forces of the woofers, mechanically interconnected by the cabinet’s rigid structure, resulting in the elimination of the unwanted resonances generated by Newtonian forces. One speaker weighs 13 kgs only, without the granite base, that can be very easily removed without any tools.

€ 57600

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